21 September 2017
Issue No: 52
Response News
Talk to Elizabeth Campbell,
Leader of Kensington and Chelsea
Council at The Curve
Following Wednesday’s drop-in session, Elizabeth will be hosting
two more sessions at The Curve to speak to residents and members
of the local community on an appointment basis only. The sessions are
taking place on:
• Saturday 30 September, 1,30pm to 4.30pm
• Wednesday 4 October, 3.30pm to 7.30pm
To book a time on either day, please email theleader@rbkc.gov.uk
Dusty for Grenfell fundraising concert
People are invited to The Bolton Pub, 326 Earl’s Court Road, SW5 9BQ,
on Saturday 14 October from 8pm to come and enjoy the songs of
Dusty Springfield in aid of the Grenfell Tower Appeal.
There is standing room and a limited number of tables available to reserve for
the evening, and all proceeds and donations will go to the K&C Foundation’s
Grenfell Tower Fund to help those directly affected and the community.
People can turn up and enjoy the music, or if they want to reserve
a table, or find out more about the evening, they can email
dustyforgrenfell@gmail.com or visit dusty-for-grenfell.eventbrite.co.uk
Council meeting on Wednesday
27 September
People are invited to attend the next Council meeting, taking place
on Wednesday 27 September from 6.30pm at Kensington Town Hall,
Hornton Street, W8 7NX, which will be focused on the Grenfell response.
This meeting will provide the opportunity to hear an update on the relief
efforts and to ask questions and address Councillors. If people would
like to attend the meeting, they should arrive by 6.15pm at the latest.
If you are unable to attend, the meeting will be broadcast on
the Council website at www.rbkc.gov.uk/council-meeting
1 Talk to Elizabeth Campbell,
Leader of Kensington and
Chelsea Council at The Curve
1 Dusty for Grenfell
fundraising concert
1 Council meeting on
Wednesday 27 September
2 Mental health support for
pupils returning to school
2 Legal advice and support
2 Grenfell Community Day
at Kensal Library
2 Overnight support at
The Baseline Studios
2 Community day at the
Bush Theatre
2 Support for families
from Family Friends
3 Pop-up clinics for mental
health support
3 Further emotional support
3 Sir Martin Moore-Bick opens
the Grenfell Tower Inquiry
4 What help is on offer?
4 Housing update
4 Care for Grenfell team set
up to support residents
What is this newsletter for?
This is the fifty-second edition of the
Grenfell Response Team newsletter.
The newsletter is also available
in Arabic and Farsi languages.
For regular updates please follow
us on Twitter @grenfellsupport
and on Facebook at facebook.
com/grenfellsupport or visit
Grenfell Response News
21 September 2017
Mental health
support for pupils
Mental health support is available
for young people affected by the
Grenfell Tower tragedy who have
now returned to school.
Headteachers will continue
to run parent meetings and
provide specialist support and
advice for students, as well
as providing other support
resources for schools.
Place2Be are working with local
schools who have identified
a need for some additional
counselling and will be providing
one-to-one support for students,
teachers and families when
pupils return to school.
The Council’s online counselling
service, Kooth.com, is also
available to provide further support
to pupils affected by the disaster.
Further support is available
through the Screen and Treat
programme run by the NHS.
More information can be found
by calling 0800 0234 650.
day at the
Bush Theatre
Families and the local community
are invited to come to the
Bush Theatre, 7 Uxbridge Road,
W12 8LJ to enjoy an afternoon
of comedy, drama, dance,
poetry and writing workshops,
face painting, performances
and much more. The day is
taking place on Sunday 24
September from 12 midday
to 5pm, and is held by the
Anti-Tribalism Movement
in partnership with the
Bush Theatre.
Legal advice and support
The Law Society has useful information for anyone affected who needs
help with legal issues such as choosing and changing a lawyer, housing,
immigration, wills and probate or benefits.
You can find out more online at:
Grenfell Community Day at Kensal Library
People are invited to come to Kensal Library, 20 Golborne Road, W10 5PF,
on Wednesday 27 September from 12 midday to 4pm to enjoy a community
day. People can enjoy refreshments, catch up with new and old friends,
talk to health trainers and take part in fun activities for the whole family.
No booking is required, so please just come and enjoy the day.
Overnight support at The Baseline Studios
Overnight emotional support sessions at The Baseline Studios will be
continuing on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 8pm to 3am.
A team of multi-lingual, highly skilled practitioners will be available
to offer confidential, one-to-one support for people who are unable
to sleep and want someone to talk to.
For more information, you can call 020 8969 5554 or email
Support for families from Family Friends
Family Friends are offering free practical and emotional support
for families affected by the Grenfell tragedy. A reliable, trained and
supervised volunteer will be matched to a family, who will provide
three months of support in the family’s home. The programmes offer
two hours of support each week, which are:
Child Mentoring
Young people aged 5 to 16 to have fun, enjoy days out, get academic
support and discover new hobbies in a programme that is tailor-made
to their own needs. The volunteer can also provide assistance to parents
and signpost them to more support if needed.
Parent Befriending
Parents of children aged up to 16 years old can receive support with
moving to a new property, paperwork, applications for grants or signpost
them to more support if needed. The volunteer can also give support
around parenting and accompany family outings.
People can find out more at www.familyfriends.uk.com
emailing info@familyfriends.uk.com or calling 020 8960 9099.
Grenfell Response News
21 September 2017
Pop-up clinics
for mental
health support
The NHS is offering daily pop-up
clinics for families and children,
seven days a week, so people can
talk to a specialist about health
issues and mental health support.
All services are free and
confidential for people to use.
The sessions take place each
day at the following locations:
• Mondays, 3pm to 5pm
at The Harrow Club,
187 Freston Road, W10 6TH
• Tuesdays, 3pm to 7pm
at The Clement James Centre,
95 Sirdar Road, W11 4EQ
• Wednesdays, 4pm to 7.30pm
at Kensington Leisure Centre,
Silchester Road, W10 6EX
• Thursdays, 4pm to 7.30pm
at Latymer Community
Church, 116 Bramley Road,
W10 6SU
• Fridays, 2pm to 4pm
at The Muslim Cultural Heritage
Centre, 244 Acklam Road,
W10 5YG
• Saturdays, 4pm to 7.30pm
at Maxillla Community Space,
4 Maxilla Walk, W10 6NQ
• Sundays, 4pm to 7.30pm
at Westway Sports Centre,
1 Crowthorne Road, W10 6RP
People can find out more
information on these clinics at
For further information people
can call 0800 0234 650 or email
The line is open 24 hours a day.
Further emotional support
There are lots of services available if you or someone you know is feeling
traumatised by the Grenfell Tower fire.
Support for adults and young
people over the phone
• People who need an urgent
mental health response can
call the NHS 24-hour support
line on 0800 0234 650 or email
cnw-tr.spa@nhs.net. Please
let the operator know you are
calling as a result of the Grenfell
Tower fire.
• Adults and young people can
also call the free Samaritans
helpline on 116 123. The line
is open 24 hours a day.
• People under 25 can call Childline
any time on 0800 11 11 to talk to
a trained counsellor any time,
day or night.
• CALM offers support to men,
on 0808 802 58 58 or visit
The line is open every day
from 5pm to 12 midnight.
Support for children with
disabilities and learning
• Full of Life Kensington and
Chelsea is providing outreach
counselling to parents of
children with disabilities.
Visit www.fulloflifekc.com
for more information.
Online support
• Kooth.com is a free online
counselling service for children
aged 11 to 19.
• NHSGo.uk provides health
information for young people
under the age of 25, including
advice on coping with stress
after a major incident.
Sir Martin Moore-Bick opens
the Grenfell Tower Inquiry
Sir Martin Moore-Bick, the Chair of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry, officially opened
the Grenfell Tower Public Inquiry on Thursday 14 September. The Inquiry will
examine the circumstances leading up to and surrounding the fire at Grenfell
Tower, establish the facts and will make recommendations on how to prevent
a similar tragedy from happening ac
The evidence that will be
gathered for the Inquiry
will include:
• considering reports by the police,
the fire brigade, safety experts
and others
People who have been affected by the fire will be able to take part in the
Inquiry, and if people think they have relevant documents or information they
should make sure they are kept and made available to the Inquiry. A process
for submitting evidence will be put on the Inquiry website in the near future.
People can find out more on the Inquiry and download these
documents online at www.grenfelltowerinquiry.org.uk. They can
also email contact@grenfelltowerinquiry.org.uk or call 020 7947 7837.
The line is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.30pm.
• obtaining all relevant documents
from whatever sources
• contacting anyone who may have
relevant information to give and
who may be called as a witness.
Grenfell Response News
21 September 2017
What help
is on offer?
Anyone who would like to speak
to the police in relation to the
investigation into the fire are
asked to contact the Met Police
on 0800 032 4539.
Other important contacts
Bereavement support
Call the Freephone helpline
on 0808 808 1677 or email
The line is open 24 hours a day.
Replacement UK passports,
visas or immigration queries
Call our advice line on 0300 222
0000. The line is open 24 hours.
Air quality and smoke exposure
If you have concerns about
any symptoms, please see
your doctor or call NHS 111.
Housing support
If you have any questions about
housing or want to find out who
your housing officer is please
call 0800 137 111 or
020 7361 3008.
Victim support
Call 0808 1689 111 for practical
and emotional support, or visit
victimsupport.org.uk. The line
is open 24 hours a day.
The Grenfell Muslim Response
Unit also offers additional
support. Find out more by
calling 020 3670 6004 or
email info@gmru.co.uk
You can also get physical and
mental support at the Grenfell
Assistance Centre. Find out
more by calling 07712 231 133.
For regular updates
please follow us on Twitter
@grenfellsupport and on
Facebook at facebook.com/
grenfellsupport, or visit
Housing update
Finding housing solutions that work for everyone directly affected
by the Grenfell Tower fire remains our absolute priority and we are
working hard to achieve this, while making sure to work at the
pace that each family or household feels comfortable with.
So far, 170 offers have been made for temporary accommodation,
65 offers have been accepted and 29 households have moved in.
In addition to this, 54 offers of permanent accommodation have
been made, and 34 of these offers have been accepted.
Government has given commitments to help reassure families that:
• their needs are paramount,
all other considerations are
secondary to these
• their rent will not increase and
the same terms and conditions
of their previous home at
Grenfell Tower or Grenfell Walk will
be maintained
• they will have lifetime security
of tenure
• they will not be forced to stay in
temporary accommodation on a
long-term basis
• accepting an offer of temporary
accommodation does not mean
that they lose priority for a
permanent home
• no one has to accept a
particular property and not
accepting a property does
not mean that they will be
made intentionally homeless
• temporary homes will be rent
and utility bill free for 12 months
• for some cases, if they like their
temporary home, there is the
potential for it to become their
permanent home (this will be
discussed when the home is
offered to them).
More information is available on the
Housing line on 020 7361 3008
Care for Grenfell team set up
to support residents
The Care for Grenfell team has been set up to talk to any residents
that have been affected by the Grenfell Tower fire who feel that their
concerns or requests have not been fully answered.
If people do have any questions or concerns that they feel haven’t been
met, please call 020 7745 6414 or email careforgrenfell@rbkc.gov.uk.
The line is open from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
If people are calling outside of opening hours, they can provide their
name and contact details and a member of the team will respond as
soon as possible.
If people need to speak to someone urgently about housing or need
to get in touch with social services, they can call the housing line
on 020 7361 3008 or the social services line on 020 7361 3013.